Our Kingdom Community Harvest Program assists families creating jobs and generating income through farming assistance. We assist in the provision of crops, equipment, and sales. This program gives people ownership of their future and provides work, income, and food for their families and communities.



Agriculture works in Huye


Agriculture works in Bugesera

When people’s most basic needs are met, they are more receptive to hearing and receiving a spiritual message. Providing opportunities and sustenance allows people to engage with the gospel message in a profound way.

How it Impacted lives

1st Short Story of how it helped actor#1
short description
2nd Short Story of how it helped actor#1
short description
3rd Short Story of how it helped actor#1
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The Kingdom Community Harvest Project in Huye focuses on helping the families of relocated Genocide survivors.
Bugesera is a village in the Eastern Province of Rwanda. We have purchased land and will begin building in the very near future . All of our projects help the lives of the Bugersera community.
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